
Ocean's Heart
Chop Clock
It's Raining Ocelots
Greg's Sweaters, Reviewed
Greg's Whole Life, Reviewed
Virtual Pet
Virtual Pet Shelter

Ocean's Heart

A 2D action adventure game. Play as a daughter searching an elaborate and beautiful archipelago for her father, who is searching the same world for the pirates that attacked their home. Fight against beastiaries of monsters, explore intricate landscapes and dungeons, help quirky characters, uncover mysteries in ancient ruins.
I first started this project as a way to teach myself to code, but it's become a fairly involved project. Besides the initial programming I learned to create the game, I've learned to work with APIs, I created a website to showcase the game, I've been learning to market the project and sharing my code and resources with other developers.

Lua Scripting, Graphic Design, UX Design, Sound Design, Project Management, Marketing

Website Developer Log

Chop Clock

A cooking assistant app that will coordinate all the recipes in your meal and give you a step-by-step interface to guide you through the cooking process. In the end, everything will come out at the same time. This project went from conception to deployment in three weeks, and uses React.js to work as a lightweight single page application. You can add your own recipes and save them into meals to cook later. It uses an API we built with Java and hosted on a cloud server, and the front end react app is built to run on Github Pages.

React.js, Java, databases, Jest, Graphic Design, UX design

Chop Clock Project Github

It's Raining Ocelots

A single page application for looking up current weather conditions in the United States. This was created near the end of an accelerated coding course as an improv game with other students. It was a way to familiarize ourselves with React.js and working with APIs, as well as a way to joke around and have some fun. This site allows you to search for any US city, and by finding the coordinates from Mapquest's API and sending them to the national weather service's API, will return the current weather conditions as well as parse the forecast and summarize it in terms of "it's raining cats and dogs"- or perhaps some other kind of creature. The google-ads style advertisement is also a joke suggested during our improv coding sessions, which pulls a random made-up advertisement from an array of make up ads.

React, Javascript, API calls, HTML, CSS


Greg's Sweaters, Reviewed

A project to make a review website. In this case, a website created to review the sweater collection of someone's friend. As you scroll through the sometimes-harsh reviews of an oft-mocked collection of sweaters, you realize the depts of the friendship between Greg and the writer. I used Spring Framework to setup a Tomcat server to host the website, and setup a repository for the reviews.

HTML, Spring Boot, MVC, Dynamic Webpages and Templates, Mockito, Thymeleaf, Gradle

Github Repository

Greg's Whole Life, Reviewed

An expanded form of the sweater review website, in which Greg's friend reviews Greg's whole life. From judging his choice in degree and house to picking his favorite of Greg's children, this website has it all. Greg's friend has picked up a few CSS skills and experience with databases, and made this website much more stylishly and efficiently. This version uses Javascript to query databases through fetch requests and AJAX requests to populate the review pages. It also adds functionality for adding comments to reviews, as well as dynamically adding and removing tags, from which you can pull up every review with that tag.

HTML, CSS, Javascript, JPA, H2 Databases, Spring Boot, MVC, Dynamic Webpages and Templates, fetch and AJAX requests, Mockito, Thymeleaf, Gradle

Github Repository

Virtual Pet

A tomagachi-like console program, wherein the user finds a small robot and must take care of it. Teach it about the world and try to get on its good side before it becomes self-aware and causes the singularity. Take your robot on adventures such as trips to the grocery store or the park. Plant flowers together. Teach your robot not to hack the FBI's mainframe.

Java, Object-Oriented Programming Principles, Text Processing, Main Loops

Github Repository

Virtual Pet Shelter

The logical continuation of the Virtual Pet project, in which you find yourself operating Max and Riley's Shelter for Abandoned and Feral Pet Rocks. Adopt and care for as many pet rocks as you want, but each will need to be fed, watered, and played with or else they will crumble to dust. What will you feed your rocks? Will they grow happy enough to get loving families to adopt them?

Java, Test-Driven Design and Unity Tests, Collections, Pair Programming

Github Repository